My .NET Tools


BizTalk 2D Viewer

BizTalk 2D Viewer is a BizTalk Server 2004 tool that displays the links between Receive Ports/Orchestrations/Send Ports with graphics in 2D. It is useful when you have a lot of things deployed in your BizTalk server and you want to quickly have a view of the server's configuration.

You can download BizTalk 2D Viewer on, you can contribute to BizTalk 2D Viewer by applying for team membership.

Favalias - The .NET launcher

Favalias enables you :

Favalias is written in C#, but add-ins can be written in any .NET language. You can also develop your own skins.

Go here to have more explanations. More screenshots can be found here.

You can download Favalias on, you can contribute to Favalias by applying for team membership.

Code Coverage by Clover.NET Code Refactoring thanks to ReSharper


Sql Server ConnectionString Builder

Click on the image to launch the tool as a smart client or download it. If you launch it directly you will always have the latest version but you must change the .NET security (go here to know how to change your security configuration).

Sql ConnectionString Builder












current version : 1.0

Send me a mail if you have suggestions or to report a bug.